Week 28 | Food Labels Continued

Last week were introduced to food labels and daily percent values. This week Mrs. Reilly challenges you to take a closer look at your food labels. Using the FDA chart above, look at some of your favorite foods and see how they stack up. Are they as healthy as you once thought?
Week 27 | Food Labels | Daily Percent (%) Values
Okay, let’s be honest…how many times have you looked and the labels on the back of your food and wondered, “what am I looking at?!?” Well, wonder no more! Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she jumps into the first lesson of her Food Labels series!
Week 25 | Food Safety | Let’s Review
This week we wrap up food safety! If you aren’t up to date, click on the playlist above to catch Mrs. Reilly’s week 21-24 Food Safety challenges! Can’t wait to see what next week brings!
Week 24 | Food Safety | Preparing Produce
Have you ever had your parents remind you to wash your hands after using the restroom, but you forget? It happens. But just remember, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FORGETS. It happens. We’re all humans. This week Mrs. Reilly covers a few tips on preparing your produce at home!
Week 23 | Food Safety | Cool Storage
You keep your food stored in a nice, cool location…don’t you? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she shares tips on how to properly store some of your more perishable foods!
Week 22 | Food Safety Continued
Do you really pay attention to how you handle your food? Are you washing your hands after handling raw meat or poultry? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she continues exploring food safety tips!
Week 21 | Food Safety
Have you ever bought a gallon of milk only to have it expire two days later? Have you opened up a fresh package of steak and noticed it smelled a little funky? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she covers some useful food safety tips that might help you avoid those icky moments at the grocery store.
Week 20 | Mindful Eating Pt. 2 | Mindfulness
Have you been taking the time to reflect on your eating habits? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she dives further into mindful eating and shares some tips on how to make sure you are paying attention to what you eat.
Week 19 | Mindful Eating Pt. 1 | Mindfulness
Have you ever eaten something so good that you stop to take every bite in? If so, you were practicing mindful eating. Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she continues to explore mindfulness and how it pertains to food and eating.
Week 18 | What Is Mindfulness? | Mindfulness
How often do you find yourself thinking about life? How many times a day do you take time to reflect on your daily presence? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she introduces us to the concept of mindfulness and how it can improve your daily eating practices.
Week 17 | My Plate | Story Time
Have you been making changes to your daily meals since learning about MyPlate? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she recaps all the essential components of the MyPlate program and shares a few fun facts about nutrition!
Week 16 | Eating the Rainbow | Rainbow Fruit Salad
Who can taste the rainbow? Well if you thought it was the Candyman, you might want to think again! Join Mrs. Reilly as she closes out the Eating the Rainbow series with a delicious and healthy fruit salad. This one will definitely have you “taste the rainbow.”
Week 15 | Eating the Rainbow | Blueberry
Do your daily snacks give you the blues? If not, they should! Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she explores the benefits of adding blueberries to a delicious banana bread recipe!
Week 13 | Eating the Rainbow | Avocado
Question: do you always pay extra for guac? Join Mrs. Reilly this week to discover how to make your very own homemade guacamole without paying extra!
Week 12 | Eating the Rainbow | Green Apple
Does the apple really fall far from the tree? Join Mrs. Reilly this week as she explores the benefits of green apples and a delicious snack that you’ll definitely want to add to your personal recipe book!
Week 11 | Eating the Rainbow | Broccoli
Be honest, does the idea of broccoli gross you out? Well, after seeing what Mrs. Reilly cooks up this week on “Eating the Rainbow” we think you’ll have a different outlook on the green tree-shaped veggie. You do NOT want to miss this one!
Week 10 | Eating the Rainbow | Squash
Have you ever tried yellow squash? Well, buckle up because Mrs. Reilly is about to take you on a flavor ride to Squashville this week! Come hungry. Leave educated.
Week 9 | Eating the Rainbow | Bananas
This week you’re going to go “bananas” for Mrs. Reilly’s challenge! Join us this week to learn all about how to create a delicious and healthy snack with Bananas. You don’t want to miss it!
Week 8 | Eating the Rainbow | Pineapples
This week Mrs. Reilly introduces the color yellow with pineapples! Join us as we learn to make quick and easy pineapple smoothie bags to enjoy when you’re in a hurry, or just want to save them for later!
Week 7 | Eating the Rainbow | Pumpkins
Get your hands “dirty” this week by jumping into a yummy pumpkin recipe easy enough for everyone to prepare! Mrs. Reilly has prepared a delicious recipe called “Pumpkin Yogurt Dip.”
Week 6 | Eating the Rainbow | Sweet Potatoes
This week Mrs. Reilly is “sweetening” things up in the kitchen with some sweet potatoes! Join us for week 6 as we discover the untold benefits of sweet potatoes and how to make them into a yummy snack!
Week 5 | Eating the Rainbow | Oranges
Welcome back for week 5 as we move on to the next color in the rainbow…orange! Mrs. Reilly is all about citrus this week as she shares some helpful information about oranges and how they benefit our bodies.
Week 4 | Eating the Rainbow | Raspberries
Week 4 is the last week of red foods on our “Eating the Rainbow” series. This week Mrs. Reilly teaches us all about raspberries and how they are beneficial for our bodies.
Week 3 | Eating the Rainbow | Tomatoes
This week we are still exploring the color red in our “Eating the Rainbow” series. Check-in with Mrs. Reilly to find out why tomatoes are all the rave and learn to use them to zest up your meals!
Week 2 | Eating the Rainbow | Strawberries
Welcome back this week as we eat the rainbow! Join Mrs. Reilly as she shares with us the wonderful benefits of eating strawberries (there might even be a yummy snack recipe).

For more information about strawberries, check out this week’s lesson on Nearpod (lesson code: 4BCV6).
Week 1 | Eating the Rainbow | Red Apples
This week we kick off the STARLITE nutrition program by “Eating the Rainbow.” Join Mrs. Reilly as she explores the color red by sharing the benefits of eating red apples.
For a more interactive look at apples, check out this week’s lesson on Nearpod (lesson passcode: LG8Z5).