Assessing the Impact of Telehealth Delivery on Adherence to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Lead Investigator: Lu Shi, PhD
Summary of Project: The low adherence rate among patients on Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) has been a serious and persistent challenge to stakeholders in opioid control. As telehealth delivery of MOUD has become more popular during the Covid-19 pandemic, we propose to use a nationwide insurance claims database to assess the impact of telehealth utilization on adherence to MOUD among rural OUD patients, while hypothesizing that the impact of telehealth delivery on adherence could be stronger among Medicaid and Medicare patients than among patients with commercial insurance.
Financial performance of low-resource hospitals adopting telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lead Investigator: Saleema Karim, PhD
Summary of Project: Our prior research shows that low-resource hospitals persistently lacking telemedicine technology have negative operating margins well below the margins of hospitals with telemedicine technology. This study examines whether such hospitals adopted telemedicine technology in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the factors associated with the decision to adopt telemedicine technology, and the impact on financial performance from adopting telemedicine during the pandemic
Prenatal Opioid Use Disorder Treatment delivered through Telehealth and Punitive and Reporting State Policies
Lead Investigators: Kanna Lewis, PhD and Laura Gressler, PhD
Summary of Project: This project aims to determine whether these policies may have resulted in pregnant women disproportionally unable to benefit from the telehealth policy changes enacted to continue health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Telehealth Technology-Enabled Learning Program: Evaluation and Dissemination
Lead Investigators: Katy Allison, PhD and Cari Bogulski, PhD
Summary of Project: ECHO and ECHO-like telementoring has become a leading modality in training primary care providers in rural and underserved areas in specialty health care topics. This comprehensive evaluation of HRSA’s 9 Telemedicine Technology-Enabled Learning Program (TTELP) projects aims to assess the reach, adoption, effectiveness, and implementation of ECHO-and ECHO-like telementoring among providers in rural and underserved areas.
Facility and state level characteristics associated with telehealth adoption and service integration in specialty substance use disorder and mental health facilities in the US
Lead Investigator: George Pro, PhD
Summary of Project: This project will use national datasets to describe epidemiologic trends in tele-behavioral health over time and within states. We will assess which characteristics of the individual facilities, as well as characteristics and policies at the state level, are most strongly associated with telehealth availability.