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Center for Arkansas Legal Services | CALS provides free legal help to low-income Arkansans in civil cases. Services include: Housing & Rentals, Debt & Bankruptcy, End of Life Planning, Public Benefits, Veteran Assistance and more. |
Disability Rights Arkansas | DRA is Arkansas’s protection and advocacy organization. They help people with disabilities that need legal advice or representation, information, or a referral to another agency for services. They also provide information about voting rights, self-advocacy, and laws and policies that affect the lives of people with disabilities. |
Lawhelp.org | LawHelp.org was created to help people without lawyers understand their rights, make informed decisions and connect to help in your local community. LawHelp.org provides referrals to nonprofit legal aid organizations in every state and territory, free legal rights resources, court forms and self-advocacy tools. |
Newsome Melton Law Firm | At Newsome | Melton, they help bring back financial security to individuals and families affected by Brain & Spinal Cord Injury. |
The National Domestic Violence Hotline | 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse. |
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) | The Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Board provides financial compensation to victims who have suffered personal injury or death as the result of violent crime. |
Little Rock Victim Services Program | Their mission is to provide nonjudgmental, informational, and practical support to all victims and survivors of violent crime in the City of Little Rock. They strive to promote safety, healing, justice, and rights for victims and survivors. |